Repair Hyundai Getz

Hyundai Getz. The maintenance
+ 1. Operation and maintenance service
+ 2. The engine
- 3. Transmission
   Possible malfunctions of coupling, their reason and ways of elimination
   Possible malfunctions of a transmission, their reason and ways of elimination
   Drive of forward wheels
   Possible malfunctions of a drive of forward wheels, their reasons and ways of elimination
+ 4. A running gear
+ 5. A steering
+ 6. Brake system
+ 7. An electric equipment
+ 8. A body
9. Electric equipment schemes


Hyundai Getz>> Transmission>> Coupling
The general data
The moments of an inhaling of carving connections, Н·м
Bolt of fastening of a pedal to an arm..... 25–35
Bolt of fastening of the main cylinder to a pedal arm..... 17–26
Nakidnaja nut of fastening of the pipeline..... 13–17
The holder of the pipeline..... 4–6
Bolt of fastening of the working cylinder..... 15–22
Hollow bolt of fastening of the pipeline to the working cylinder..... 25
Bolts of fastening of a casing of coupling..... 15–22
Nut of fastening of a pusher of the main cylinder to a pedal..... 9–14
Nut of fastening of the switch of blocking of ignition..... 8–10

Technical characteristics
Type of a drive of coupling
The hydraulic
Conducted disk of coupling
Dry, диафрагменный
External/internal diameter of a conducted disk, mm
Coupling casing in gathering with a press disk  
With диафрагменной a press spring
Internal diameter:
    The working cylinder, mm
    The main cylinder, mm


Data for checks and adjustments
Type of a drive of coupling
The hydraulic
Thickness of a conducted disk (in a free condition) mm:
   Engines 1,3; 1,5 and 1,6 l
   The engine of 1,1 l

Free wheeling of a pedal of coupling, mm
Height of a pedal of coupling over a floor, mm
Course of a pedal of coupling, mm
Backlash between the working cylinder and the piston, mm
Backlash between the main cylinder and the piston, mm

Applied lubricants
Application place
The name
Surface of contact of a plug with the bearing of deenergizing of coupling
Internal surface of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling
Mirror of the working cylinder, external surface of the piston and cuff
Brake liquid DOT-3
Or DOT-4
Шлицы a conducted disk of coupling
Mirror of the main cylinder and external surface of the piston
Brake liquid DOT-3
Or DOT-4
Pusher of the main cylinder, axis of a pusher and washer
Greasing for bearings of naves of wheels SAE J310a, NLGI No.2
Axis and plugs of a pedal of coupling
SAE  J310a,  greasing  for the  chassis, NLGI-No.1
Surface of contact of a plug of deenergizing of coupling with a pusher of the working cylinder

Removal and installation of coupling and its drive

Fig. 3.1. Cцепление and its drive: 1 – a plug of deenergizing of coupling; 2 – the bearing of deenergizing of coupling; 3 – a bolt of fastening of a casing of coupling; 4 – a coupling casing; 5 – a conducted disk of coupling; 6 – the pipeline of a drive of coupling; 7 – an arm of a pedal of coupling; 8 – an axis of a pedal of coupling; 9 – a coupling pedal; 10 – the main cylinder of a drive of coupling; 11 – the working cylinder of a drive of coupling; 12 – the union of prorolling of the working cylinder of a drive of coupling

Coupling and its drive are shown on fig. 3.1.
Removal of air from a coupling hydrodrive
Prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling it is necessary to spend each time at removal of the connecting pipeline, a hose and-or the main cylinder, and also in a case when the coupling pedal becomes "soft".

Use a working liquid only the specified mark. Do not mix a liquid of different marks. Use liquid DOT-3 or DOT-4.

Fig. 3.2. An arrangement of the union of prorolling of a hydrodrive of coupling

Ослабьте an inhaling of the union for prorolling on the working cylinder (fig. 3.2).
Slowly press against the stop a coupling pedal until will stop вытекание liquids.
Keeping a pedal in the pressed position, tighten the prorolling union.
Add to normal level in a tank a liquid of the demanded mark.

The main cylinder of a hydrodrive of coupling

Fig. 3.3. The main cylinder of a drive of coupling: 1 – the case of the main cylinder of a drive of coupling; 2 – a nut of fastening of the main cylinder of a drive of coupling; 3 – the piston; 4 – a lock ring; 5 – a pusher with демпфером; 6 – a pusher axis

The main cylinder of a hydrodrive of coupling is shown on fig. 3.3.
Merge a working liquid through the prorolling union.

Fig. 3.4. A nut of fastening of the main cylinder of a drive of coupling

Turn away a nut of fastening of the main cylinder (fig. 3.4).
Disconnect pipelines and hoses of a hydrodrive of coupling.

Fig. 3.5. A clip of fastening of the pipeline to a transmission

Remove a clip of fastening of the pipeline to a transmission (fig. 3.5).
Check up a hose and the pipeline on presence of corrosion, bowls and задиров.
Attach the pipeline to the working cylinder.

Fig. 3.6. A flexible hose of a hydrodrive of coupling

Attach a flexible hose and fix its clip (fig. 3.6).
Establish the main cylinder.
Attach a pusher to a coupling pedal.
Pump over a coupling hydrodrive.
Remove a lock ring of the piston.
Take out a pusher in gathering with the piston, thus watch to damaging the case and the cylinder piston.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a cylinder mirror on presence of corrosion, bowls and задиров.
Check up a cylinder cuff on deterioration or warp presence.
Check up the piston on presence of corrosion, bowls go задиров.
Check up cleanliness of the pipeline.
Check up with the help нутромера internal diameter of the cylinder and by means of a micrometer external diameter of the piston.
If the backlash between the piston and the cylinder exceeds the maximum permissible size (0,15 mm), replace the main cylinder or the piston.
Put working liquid DOT-3 or DOT-4 on a mirror of the cylinder and an external surface of the piston.
Insert the piston into the cylinder.
Establish a lock ring of the piston.
Establish a pusher.
Attach a hose to the cylinder case.

Coupling pedal

Fig. 3.7. A pedal of coupling and an arm of its fastening: 1 – the switch of blocking of ignition; 2 – a pedal arm; 3 – a bolt of fastening of an arm of a pedal; 4 – a pedal axis; 5 – the internal plug of a pedal; 6 – a returnable spring; 7 – the external plug of a pedal; 8 – the internal plug of a pedal; 9 – a spring washer; 10 – a nut of an axis of a pedal; 11 – a pedal emphasis; 12 – a coupling pedal

The pedal of coupling and arm of its fastening are shown on fig. 3.7.

Fig. 3.8. Шплинт axes of a pusher of a pedal of coupling

Remove шплинт and a washer (fig. 3.8).

Fig. 3.9. Nuts of fastening of a pedal of coupling

Turn away bolts of fastening of a pedal (fig. 3.9).
Check of a technical condition
Check up the following:
– An axis and the pedal plug on deterioration presence;
– A coupling pedal on bend and warp presence;
– A returnable spring on damage or easing presence;
– A pedal platform on damage or deterioration presence;

Fig. 3.10. Measurement of height of a pedal of coupling over a floor

– Pedal height over a floor And (from an external surface of a platform of a pedal to a floor) (fig. 3.10). It should be 160,7 mm.
If the pedal height over a floor does not correspond to norm, adjust it, as set forth below.

At adjustment of height of a pedal watch that the pusher was not displaced towards the main cylinder.

1. A bolt adjust pedal height then tighten a counternut.

After adjustment tighten a bolt so that it concerned a pedal emphasis then tighten a counternut.

Fig. 3.11. Height over a floor and a course of a pedal of coupling

2. Pusher rotation adjust its length on new height of a pedal (fig. 3.11) then fix a pusher a nut.

Fig. 3.12. The Free wheeling of a pedal of coupling

Upon termination of adjustment be convinced that the free wheeling of a pedal of coupling (measured from a surface of a platform of a pedal) is in limits of 6-13 mm (fig. 3.12).
If the free wheeling of a pedal of coupling does not correspond to norm, means, air has got to a hydrodrive or the main cylinder is faulty. Pump over a hydrodrive and check up the main cylinder or coupling.

Fig. 3.13. The scheme of check of an integrity of an electric chain between switch contacts

Check of the switch of blocking of ignition. Check up an integrity of an electric chain between switch contacts (fig. 3.13).

Fig. 3.14. Places of drawing of universal greasing

Put universal greasing in the places specified by arrows on fig. 3.14.
Wrap nuts (fig. 3.9).
Establish шплинт axes of a pedal of coupling.

Casing of coupling and conducted disk

Fig. 3.15. A casing of coupling and a conducted disk: 1 – a plug of deenergizing of coupling; 2 – the bearing of deenergizing of coupling; 3 – a bolt of fastening of a casing of coupling; 4 – a coupling casing; 5 – a conducted disk of coupling

The casing of coupling and conducted disk are shown on fig. 3.15.
Merge a liquid from a hydrodrive of coupling and oil from картера transmissions.
Remove a transmission (the subsection "Transmission" see).
Insert оправку 09411-25000 into an aperture of a nave of a conducted disk not to admit its falling.
Ослабьте cross-wise an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a casing of coupling to a flywheel.

Fig. 3.16. Easing of bolts of fastening of a casing of coupling to a flywheel

Bolts unscrew serially, each time on one-two turn to prevent коробление a casing flange (fig. 3.16).

Do not apply solvents to clearing of a conducted disk and the bearing of deenergizing of coupling.

Checking of a technical condition
Coupling casing. Check up the ends of petals диафрагменной springs on presence of deterioration and a difference of heights.
Check up a surface of a press disk on presence of deterioration, cracks and colour change.
Check up presence of the weakened rivets and if necessary replace a coupling casing.
Conducted disk. Check up frictional overlays on presence of the weakened rivets, traces non-uniform прилегания, damages from прихватывания, oil or greasing sticking. If necessary replace the damaged conducted disk.

Fig. 3.17. Check of a thickness of a conducted disk in the free (not loaded) condition

Check up a thickness of a conducted disk in a free condition (fig. 3.17).
Check up disk springs on presence люфта and damages, if necessary replace a faulty disk.
Clear шлицы a primary shaft of a transmission and establish a conducted disk.
At the complicated moving of a disk on шлицам a shaft or presence of its excessive backlash replace a conducted disk and-or a primary shaft of a transmission.

In the bearing of deenergizing of coupling greasing is put. Do not apply solvents to bearing cleaning.

The bearing of deenergizing of coupling. Check up the bearing of deenergizing of coupling on presence of jamming, damages or the raised noise. Check up contact points диафрагменной springs with a bearing holder on deterioration presence.
Replace the bearing at strong deterioration of places of contact to a plug of deenergizing of coupling.
Plug of deenergizing of coupling. Replace a plug of deenergizing of coupling at strong deterioration in places of contact to the bearing of deenergizing of coupling.
Put universal greasing on a plug of deenergizing of coupling in places of contact to the bearing of deenergizing of coupling and the working cylinder.

Fig. 3.18. A place of drawing of universal greasing on a plug of deenergizing of coupling

Put greasing (fig. 3.18 see).
Put universal greasing in a flute of the bearing of deenergizing of coupling.
Recommended greasing – CASMOLY L9508.
Put universal greasing CASMOLY L9508 on a plug of deenergizing of coupling in a place of contact to an axis of the lever of deenergizing of coupling.
Carefully clear surfaces of a flywheel and a press disk a fine-grained skin and be convinced of absence on them of oil or greasing traces.
Put a small amount of universal greasing CASMOLY L9508 on шлицы naves of a conducted disk and a primary shaft of a transmission.

Fig. 3.19. Bolts of fastening of the working cylinder of coupling

At installation of coupling do not put too much greasing in 3.19 places specified in fig. as it can lead to proslipping and jerks at coupling work.

With the help оправки 09411-25000 establish a conducted disk on a flywheel the party with factory marks to a press disk.
Establish on a flywheel a casing of coupling and screw six bolts of fastening.
Tighten bolts cross-wise the moment 15–22 Н·м. Bolts tighten serially, each time on one-two turn to prevent коробление a flange of a casing of coupling.
Take out оправку for a centering of a conducted disk.
Establish a transmission (the subsection "Transmission" see).
Adjust a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling.

Put only necessary quantity of greasing. Surplus of greasing can cause proslipping and jerks at coupling work.

The working cylinder of a drive of coupling
Disconnect from the working cylinder the connecting pipeline.

Fig. 3.20. Removal of the piston from the cylinder

Turn away a bolt of fastening of the working cylinder (fig. 3.20).
Check of a technical condition
Check up the working cylinder on presence of traces of leak of a liquid.
Check up a cover of the working cylinder on presence of damages.
Disconnect from the cylinder a connecting hose, remove a valve plate, a spring, a pusher and a cover.
Carefully remove a dirt around расточки the working cylinder under the piston.
Remove the piston from the cylinder a stream of the compressed air directed to the cylinder (fig. 3.20).

Preliminary cover the working cylinder with rags as the piston can take off with a great speed and put a trauma.

Pressure of air increase gradually to prevent emission of a brake liquid and its hit in eyes or on a skin.
Check of a technical condition
Check up a mirror of the working cylinder on absence of corrosion or damages.
With the help нутромера check up internal diameter of the cylinder in three places (in the bottom, average and top parts). If the backlash between the piston and the cylinder exceeds maximum permissible, replace the working cylinder.
Maximum permissible backlash between the piston and the cylinder of 0,15 mm.
Put a brake liquid of the demanded mark on an internal surface of the working cylinder both an external surface of the piston and a cuff of the piston and establish the piston in the cylinder.
Used liquid: brake liquid DOT-3 or DOT-4.
Establish a valve plate, a pusher and a cover.
Put on an axis of a pusher greasing CASMOLY L9508.
Establish the working cylinder of a drive of coupling and attach to it the pipeline.

Fig. 3.21. Bolts of fastening of the working cylinder of coupling

Screw bolts of fastening of the working cylinder (fig. 3.21).

Useful data and councils
The reasons of proslipping of coupling or its incomplete deenergizing by pressing a pedal
Coupling proslipping is shown that at quite serviceable engine the car badly overcomes liftings, slowly dispersed. It can be caused замасливанием or strong deterioration of disks, decrease in elasticity of springs, absence of a free wheeling of a pedal of coupling.
Incomplete deenergizing of coupling causes difficulty and noise at a gear change and can lead to premature failure of synchronizers and the accelerated deterioration of teeths of a transmission. This malfunction arises at pollution, a warp or deformation of disks, wrong adjustment of position of levers of deenergizing, too big free wheeling of a pedal of coupling more often.
It is necessary to mean that noise in a transmission is not always a consequence of incomplete deenergizing of coupling. Noise can arise at deterioration or wrong adjustment of bearings, deterioration or wrong gearing of conic gear wheels. Strong knock in the specified places testifies to presence of the serious malfunction demanding an immediate stop of the car and repair of the unit.
The reasons of the complicated gear change or their spontaneous deenergizing
The complicated gear change or their spontaneous deenergizing – result of deterioration of locks and clamps or a drive of the mechanism of a gear change. Here without serious repair not to manage.
To warn similar malfunctions it is possible in the next ways: periodically carefully to check reliability of fastening of all units and power transmission details, to watch oil level in a transmission and in due time to change it.